Sunday, January 22, 2017

What Time Is It?

What time is it?  It's time to make an awesome change in this world!
We have started 2017 with some great first grade adventures! From making New Year's resolutions to telling time and conducting scientific investigations, our class has been on a roll!

 A resolution is something a person wants to change or promises to do.  Check out these heart-felt goals for 2017!

Students were happy to get back to school and their friends.  They jumped back into routine and never missed a beat!

Students reviewed addition facts with a fun roll and cover game with a New Year's theme. 

In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I shared several books and videos about the life of Dr. King.  Students wrote about their dreams for peace and how they can change the world. We also conducted a scientific observation.  Students observed two eggs; one white and one brown. They recorded what they saw and discussed the differences of the outer shell.  Then we cracked the eggs open. It took less than a few seconds for students to make the connection...both eggs are the same on the inside...just like people! 

Mrs. Williams visited and shared the book "What Do You Do With an Idea?" by Kobi Yamada. In the story, there is a brilliant idea that a child helps bring into the world. As the child's confidence grows, so does the idea itself. Students listened and pondered the concept of the book (as well as the concept of an idea) through the reading.  Afterward, they responded by writing and illustrating what they will do with their own ideas. 

During math, students have been reading both analog and digital clocks to tell time to the nearest hour and half-hour.

In science, students used their 5 senses to make observations.  When thinking of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, popcorn was an obvious choice to study!  Students were able to watch the popcorn popping either from aerial view (via projection) or coming out of the popper.  Observations were recorded as we enjoyed a quick snack!

We ended the week by investigating what would happen if Skittles were put in warm water.  Students made predictions, followed the procedure, observed, and recorded their findings.  Ultimately, most student predictions were correct.  However, there was one surprise!  The "S" printed on the Skittles did not readily dissolve, so it looked as though it were floating up, up, and away!

What an exciting beginning to 2017! 


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