Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hooray for the 100th Day!

Our time in first grade is passing so quickly! We celebrated the 100th Day of school this week. Students participated in 100 Day stations in both first grade classrooms as well as the kindergarten classrooms.  They were excited to visit other rooms and celebrate being 100 days brighter!

100 Day snack!
Students happily shared their collections of 100 items through the week. The items are currently displayed on the first grade bulletin board downstairs.  It has been a hit with students of all ages comparing the weight, size, and volume of 100 things!
During writing, students are referencing picture dictionaries and beginner's dictionaries to search for the correct spelling or the meaning of a word. Their word choices are quite impressive!     
After a review of solid, liquid, and gas, students began a scientific investigation unit on dissolving solids.  We used  Kool-Aid and our Ninja Turtle friend, Raph, to aid in visual representation of the qualities of items that dissolve or not. We continued by focusing on the question "What happens when common substances are mixed with water?"  Students separated into cooperative groups and completed an experiment with water and sugar.  We will continue experimenting with other substances next week!
January has shown us sun and snow.  We were happy to get outside a few days this week!

And now it's snowing....

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