Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the school the children were singing and playing it cool....
First grade has been up to some marvelously merry activities with winter break approaching!
We had our PTO performance Tuesday, December 13.  Students had been discussing the meaning of  "joy" earlier in the morning and decided that everyone in attendance at the program should feel the joys of the season.  The songs and dance moves filled many hearts with holiday cheer!

We partnered with our sixth grade buddies in Mrs. Thomas' class to work through the scientific method in a fun and festive way- by conducting a candy cane experiment!  The question developed was:  I wonder which liquid will dissolve a candy cane the fastest?  The solvents used included water, Gatorade, laundry detergent, and vinegar. Observations and data were recorded at various intervals.  The findings were very interesting!

A little elf (actually a very kind family) sent in early Christmas gifts for our class.  Each student got their own set of Mr. Sketch scented markers!   Students were very excited to design with them and share with anyone that visited our room.  The scents were candy cane, Santa's cookie, Christmas tree, sugar plum, gingerbread, and chimney soot.  What an awesome surprise!

We read many holiday books and made a few crafts during December. 
Students enjoyed stations during the morning of Polar Express Day.  We completed the day by adding in some dancing and  watching the movie.  



 Rather than having a gift exchange, students collected items for the Humane Society.  Forty-one blankets and towels were collected as well as some doggy treats.  Students have been tracking the morning temperatures and agree that these items will help keep many animals warm through the winter.

Monday was students' last library day with Mrs. Lovitt.  We will miss her and wish her well in retirement.   
Just before winter break we had a special assembly with Mrs. Lovitt as the guest of honor.  When prompted, "Who wants to hear one last read aloud?" all students were in!

Have a wonderful, safe, and very merry break!  Choose to believe in the magic of the season!

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