Saturday, November 12, 2016

Thank You, Veterans!

Thank you for being brave.
Thank you for trying your best.
Thank you for making hard choices.
Thank you for keeping us free.
For Veterans Day, students from various grade levels created artwork to salute the men and women who have served in the U.S. military.

Students were "mapping out" their place in the world by locating the seven continents, the United States, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Richmond on maps and globes this week.
Students used the interactive board to watch a quick video about the armed forces and complete a skills assessment focused on Veterans Day. We are very thankful for the men and women who have served our country.  Students focused on the following thankful statements:
Thank you for being brave.
Thank you for trying your best.
Thank you for making hard choices.
Thank you for keeping us free.
Students used "mix and fix" as a sight word warm-up before reading a new book.
During guided reading, some students used noise cancelling headphones to help keep focus.  We have a class full of hard working readers!
Students are in their second week of bringing home Book Buddy Bags.  They have been very excited to help pick out books to share with you at home.  Set aside a special time for your child to read with their favorite buddy- YOU!
If your child is struggling with a word, encourage them by:
*Looking at pictures (to help predict or confirm the text).
*Prompting “What would make sense?" or "Does that make sense?"
*Going back and re-reading. When students successfully struggle through a word, they can finish the sentence, then go back and re-read it more fluently.
* Often encouraging a child to “try it” does the trick.  J  (Unfortunately many young readers are fearful of taking risks and need to build confidence- this only occurs when they try it on their own!) This is one reason you will reread the books several nights.  

By the second or third night, your reader will be reading with less effort and will be sounding great! 

Looking forward to more awesome adventures next week!  Happy Reading!

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