Friday, September 30, 2016

Fall is Here!

Fall is here!  Our class experienced the first week of fall using all five senses.  Students started with an apple butter tasting on Monday and ended with leaf rubbings Friday!

A tally chart is one method of collecting data.  Tally charts are visual representations of group observations.  According to most first graders, apple butter is yummy!

Students were thrilled to see a huge container of apples in the front of our classroom Tuesday.  We sorted and graphed the apples according to color, then each student predicted which color apple they thought would taste best.  Predictions were confirmed with a simple taste test.

Students created a pictograph to show the final results of the the taste test.

Students continued working on sight words and spelling features during language arts.  

Trust, communication, and cooperation are key elements for the success of high functioning communities.  This week after our class meeting, students participated in a Hula Hoop Pass, an activity that encourages team-building skills and interdependence between team members.  Students started in small groups with one hula hoop and worked their way up to a whole class pass with three hoops!

Students went on a leaf hunt Thursday afternoon.  They collected leaves and observed the shapes, sizes, colors, and even smells of their new finds!  Friday morning students created leaf rubbings.  They experimented with different leaves and colors as well as crayon grip and amount of force or pressure to apply to their work. 

What an excellent ending for September!  October adventures await! 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Motion Happens Every Day

 Our week's focus of force, motion, and energy has been the most engaging unit yet!  This unit built upon students' natural curiosities and let them explore motion, push and pull, directional language, critical thinking skills, and concepts of roll, slide, and speed through real-world application. 
Students model pull and push on the playground. They also discussed straight, zig-zag, and circular motions.

Students completed the "Playground Lab Report" in the outdoor classroom.
Students also used "Motion Mania"  stations in the regular classroom to experience push and pull motions.  Students created paper airplanes, built and zoomed cars on the track, and made trains and train tracks.

During math, students continued to apply strategies for addition.

Students are working diligently during calendar and language arts.  Guided reading and Words Their Way groups are underway.   

As students gain confidence in their reading, many have requested to be a guest reader.  I love to hear first graders read!  

A few sweet notes to walk in to on Tuesday morning:
The desk fairy had visited and left a reward for students with organized desks.

What a great week!