Saturday, August 26, 2017

Gearing Up for a Great Year!

Wowie wow wow!  We have been in school two and a half weeks already!  It is so exciting to come back to a classroom with newly polished floors, colorful decorations, and a fantastic group of first graders to share the school year with!

Students have been learning expectations, routines, and procedures for our classroom. A healthy classroom environment hinges on students feeling safe and loved.  Our goal is to create a learning environment that values positive relationships and kind interactions. Students are choosing kindness daily!
Mr. Lin, our principal, shared the book titled "What If Everybody Did That" by Ellen Javernick. The students began to think about how small actions can impact the bigger picture. 

Students are learning about each other in various ways.  We have played games like "Find a Friend", worked cooperatively, and interacted with the InFocus Touch Display to create graphs and collect data.

Students also used the InFocus Display while reviewing classroom and school rules. Stop by our room for a student to demonstrate how this technology works!

We are in for an exciting year in first grade!

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