Saturday, August 26, 2017

Gearing Up for a Great Year!

Wowie wow wow!  We have been in school two and a half weeks already!  It is so exciting to come back to a classroom with newly polished floors, colorful decorations, and a fantastic group of first graders to share the school year with!

Students have been learning expectations, routines, and procedures for our classroom. A healthy classroom environment hinges on students feeling safe and loved.  Our goal is to create a learning environment that values positive relationships and kind interactions. Students are choosing kindness daily!
Mr. Lin, our principal, shared the book titled "What If Everybody Did That" by Ellen Javernick. The students began to think about how small actions can impact the bigger picture. 

Students are learning about each other in various ways.  We have played games like "Find a Friend", worked cooperatively, and interacted with the InFocus Touch Display to create graphs and collect data.

Students also used the InFocus Display while reviewing classroom and school rules. Stop by our room for a student to demonstrate how this technology works!

We are in for an exciting year in first grade!

Friday, June 9, 2017

A Fantastic Future for these Firsties!

Our last few weeks were filled with friendship and learning fun!  
Fairy Tale STEM stations allowed students to work collaboratively to solve a problem involving the stories “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”, “The Three Little Pigs”, and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”.  Funding for these stations was provided through a Floyd County Retired Teachers Association mini-grant. 
Students first read the story cards and identified the challenge. 
Then students sketched a plan of action based on the challenge and materials provided. 

Students set to work creating their models. They quickly learned there were not enough materials for everyone to build a model that would meet the challenge.  Teamwork was necessary to complete the task at hand!

Students tested creations for success or failure and used problem solving skills to modify as needed.
Students were able to realize how a failed test provided useful information and is an important part of the learning process. By going through each step in the design process, students gained useful experience and knowledge that allowed them to rework the original design or create a new one, eventually engineering a successful solution!  
 “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” and “The Three Little Pigs” STEM Stations

Students were able to use characters and materials from the STEM kits to read and retell each fairy tale, using the beginning, middle, and end structure. The characters in these tales allowed students to use voice and expression as they retold the events.   
During math, students identified fractions of a set using Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
As noted below, three out of four characters are bears!

Students also set to work planting in our school garden.  Students pre-sprouted peas in paper towels. After they had plumped up, it was time to plant!  

During Commit to Graduate Day each student completed a pledge committing to graduate and receive their high school diploma.  Students had discussions and wrote about about their future aspirations including thoughts about who could support them along their journey. 

The afternoon concluded with the FCHS Class of 2017 taking a “Senior Walk” through our hallways.  The first graders eagerly awaited their arrival!  

A proud moment of brotherly love...
Field Day was devoted to having fun as students, teachers, and volunteers enjoyed games and events through the morning. 

 Embracing our last few hours together on the last day of school….

I wish for my class a summer full of endless smiles, family time, and exploration.  Think, create, and imagine daily!  Adventure awaits!