Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Students are the Stars of the Show!

Students shined as they led conferences with their families last Wednesday night.  Each student was able to share their first grade classroom experiences, reflections, and growth for this school year. 



Thank you for being an active participant in your child's educational experience! 

Students have been using the Quiver app to experiment with augmented reality. To augment means to make something greater by adding to it. Augmented reality is a concept which adds things from technology to the real world to make it more detailed and interesting. In our classroom, students have used augmented reality apps on the iPad that add 3D pictures, motion, and sound.


Students also used technology to share their recycled craft projects. Each student recorded a video presentation about their creation which was linked to a QR Code. During station time, students could use an iPad to scan the codes and watch their classmates' movies.  

Routine classroom meetings have allowed for a positive classroom in which every student feels welcome and loved. Sometimes we greet each other and share orally. Other times we have a quick prompt to respond to. This day's prompt was "I am..."

A few snapshots...

Play-doh fractions
One third was flat.
We have many fun things planned as the year rounds out.  I love our first grade adventures!