Saturday, February 18, 2017

Be Mine!

February has brought sweet, sunny smiles and friendship to our classroom!  
First graders started the month with a Groundhog Day themed lesson on making predictions. Students predicted whether or not the groundhog would see his shadow. We watched a live broadcast of Punxsutawney Phil online. Winter is (still) coming, according to Phil!
During February, students have been able to talk and share about the many things they love.Each student has recorded their thoughts by penning a book titled "I Love..." We hope to finish them next week.  Below is a sneak peak of what some students hold most dear.

Students engaged in many Valentine lessons that included learning about Cupid and creating graphs from conversation hearts!

These firsties were filled with Valentine's Day love! From crafting card holders to passing out valentines and sharing a snack, friendship and kindness filled the classroom!

Students have been identifying coins and their values during math.  Race to the Bank and Four in a Row have been favorite games for reviewing coins.  Students have money mats on their desks to help if needed.  Our awesome skip-counting skills have really helped to count up coins!
 In closing, I would like to wish this very special girl good luck in her new adventures. She will be missed.  Her new classmates are fortunate to be gaining a witty, artistic, kind-hearted friend!